Enjoy Multi-Success With The Multi-Cultural Heroes & Sheroes Series
I can say, honestly, that our students are thoroughly enjoying the series. The tapes are interesting and motivating. The fact that the script is provided in the booklet makes it easier for the students to listen to and at the same time, read along.
Sister Gerry O Laughlin
Principal at Holy Angels Catholic School in Indianapolis, IN
The books and tapes have been an excellent alternative resource for motivating reluctant readers. They have also been very inspirational in building self-esteem. They are probably the most effective way of providing multi-cultural history through biography.
Carolyn Stovall
Resource Teacher in Indianapolis Public Schools
“This book and cd is a wonderful tool for multicultural education. It provides clear, concise, information in an inspirational format. I believe that it will help children with reading difficulties to realize that information may be gained from listening as well as reading. The message of the hero will also encourage students to look beyond perceived limitations to achieve success.”
Carolyn Phillips, Ed.D.
School Psychologist
Denver, Colorado